True Healing Isn’t Just an Ending But a Beginning Too

True Healing Isn’t Just an Ending But a Beginning Too

We’ve talked a lot about healing in recent months.
Healing is a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but it’s certainly not just an ending. Of course, we associate the end of the healing journey with an ending of the pain and suffering we experienced – but when you reach the end of the road you’ll come across many new paths.

These new pathways represent the new world and it’s up to the individual to decide which of them (or even how many) to go down. We want to explore some of these paths with you and walk alongside you on these new opportunities. After all, you are not defined by your pain and your trauma. Life does not begin with trauma and end with healing. There are worlds beyond pain and suffering.

Path 1: Celebrating

Let’s have some fun! You put the work in to overcome the obstacles that life handed you, and now it’s time to celebrate putting those behind you. We don’t want to neglect the importance of giving yourself credit and allowing space in your life for positive self-reflection.

Some circles of our society want to tell you celebrating yourself and the hard work you’ve put in is selfish and conceded. What joy is there in a world where we work hard and then simply move on to the next task without enjoying the fruits of our labor?

You define how you celebrate the progress in your life. Don’t let anyone steal your joy.

Path 2: Giving Thanks

Did you do this all on your own? That’s unlikely, so celebrating your journey may include giving thanks to those who helped you along the way. A significant other, your children, your extended family, your therapist, or your counselor; this is an opportunity to show your appreciation for the ones who truly put in an effort to help you recover from the past.

There’s a concept of “collective healing” that is defined in the way it benefits everyone. Collective healing is absolutely worthy of celebration and giving thanks to your collective allows you to strengthen those bonds with people who stood by you when you needed them the most.

Celebration and giving thanks do not mean the progress or the work is over. Moreover, it means you’re in a place where there’s enough space to feel the warmth of joy that wraps itself around those who seize its many great benefits.

Path 3: Giving Back

It’s easy to get caught in the awe of this moment. After all, awe is the highest level of joy that creates a shift in our neurophysiology and improves social relationships. But, let’s capture that awe and turn it into positive results for others.

We want to be clear: You are under no obligation to give back. Your trauma does not create a debt that you owe to the world around you once the healing is “done.” However, generosity makes you happier.

You compound the awe of healing when you help others in need – whether it’s people you’re close with or those who you’ve never met who could use a helping hand. People stepped up when you needed them the most, and if you’ve got the space to do so today, returning that favor adds an entirely new dimension to your healing.

Find Your Path Forward

At Integrated Therapies, we believe in seizing the opportunity to increase joy in ourselves and those around us. Taking the walk together allows us to celebrate the moments when true healing is accomplished. Every ending is a new beginning. Contact us and find your new beginning.